Daily Archives: November 8, 2020

Writing Update: November 2020

My new fiction work in progress just passed the 40k word mark, which means it is officially a novel. It is my usual weirdness, but I think I have turned things up a notch with this one. The plot mixes quantum physics and spirituality, with a healthy dose of horror. it is by far the bloodiest thing I’ve written, although the body count is nowhere near the billions found in my second book, Strange Stories, Twisted Tales. I pretty much destroyed the planet twice in that one, and that’s a hard tally to surpass.
Also, I’m also officially divorced, which does create a certain distance between myself and the person responsible for so much abuse for the last decade. I’ve been working on the non-fiction account of those years, and that manuscript has passed 80k words, with two-thirds of the 101 pages hand-written journal I wrote while forcibly detained on false charges by my abuser, with another third waiting to be transcribed. With luck, I may be able to finish the novel by the end of the year, so stay tuned!
