Daily Archives: August 5, 2024

Sweet Miracle

Oh, sweet miracle
Oh, sweet miracle of life


There have been a good deal of stressful events in my life of late, both with my recent move to the Eastern shore of Virginia and otherwise. Although I could possibly make this statement at almost any point in my life, these recent times have proven this to be especially true. I think it would be fair to say this recent and present period could even be defined as constituting a life crisis. I have faced such challenges before, and my continued existence is enough to show my success in dealing with those dire times. In the past, I would often have to face such troubles alone, and I was fortunate enough to have the strength and endurance required to succeed. Then, on this day in 2002, I survived an accident in such a way as to be the sole known survivor of that type of accident by two insurance companies. Needless to say, this impaired me on many levels, chief among them being my physical abilities.
This, and the passage of time, would make handling the events of the recent few months incredibly difficult, if not impossible for me to deal with on my own. I have had the incredible good fortune to be supported by not only those in my family, but in good friends and the support of our local church. I am honored to know these people, and were it not for their support and understanding, would be facing a difficult and troubling future. After having to deal with years of narcissistic abuse and its after-effects, I have been blessed to have empathetic people around me, and feel a sense of balance in the world again. I do not believe I will ever be able to express the depths of my gratitude, but I will do what I can to carry the spirit of their generosity forward.
I hope the same for us all.

Until Next Time,