Daily Archives: September 29, 2023

The Great Disk Disaster of 2023


Well, it was only a matter of time.  Despite my best attempts at maintenance, the hard drive on my computer decided it was time to give up the ghost.  This resulted in the loss of a decade of photos, including those of my little one, as well as my manuscripts and Audible recordings for my second book, which was about 2/3 completed.  I believe it is possible to recover that data in time, but it will cost hundreds, if not several thousand, dollars to retrieve, and so will have to wait.  I did manage to rebuild the system, having a decade old backup drive, but windows 7 and my recording software did not agree, and I was forced to begin over with a new system.  This came about at around the same time my phone decided to self-destruct, so it has been a stressful couple of weeks.  I am currently back on track, however, and have begun to re-record ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales’.  It may be slow going, as I have to recover my various bookmarks and such in order to upload and so on, but at least now I needn’t worry about such an event again.


The air quality at my latest domicile leaves a great deal to be desired; the air filters in this apartment complex need to be changed approximately every 2 weeks, and even then, can severely affect delicate electronics, a condition I am hoping to change – just one more item on the never-ending to-do list.

So, apologies for the lack of posts.  With any luck, it will not happen again for some time to come.

Until Next time,
