It’s been a busy month in terms of writing-related activities: I finished my third novel, converted my first two books into hardback for publication on Amazon, added the e-book version of Highway Hypnosis to Kindle Unlimited, and edited the covers of all three of my books for hardback formatting. I think these are all good things, and I hope it is an indication of progress toward my writing career becoming my only career. This hope has taken a more desperate turn over the last year, I must admit. I close out another decade this Sunday, and know I cannot keep up the pace of such a physical day job forever. I hate to admit I’m feeling my age, but as Indiana Jones once said, ‘it’s not the years, it’s the mileage’. And I’m feeling those miles, boys and girls.
To this end, I have been stepping up my game, not only in devoting more time toward writing, but also in terms of promotion. I wrote in an earlier post that I plan on creating Audible versions of my first three books, as well as creating a YouTube channel centered on writing and the life of an aspiring professional author, and took the first steps toward this end in creating an Audible account. I also had the good fortune to have enough some extra cash on the payday before my coming birthday, so I treated myself to a present in the form of a decent usb microphone, one I plan to use a good deal in the future. Things seem to be falling into place, so it seemed a wise purchase, and I have a more positive outlook for the future for the first time in longer than I can remember.
So stay tuned! Lots of things are coming!
Until Next Time,