Tag Archives: fiction

End of a Decade


It’s been a busy month in terms of writing-related activities: I finished my third novel, converted my first two books into hardback for publication on Amazon, added the e-book version of Highway Hypnosis to Kindle Unlimited, and edited the covers of all three of my books for hardback formatting.  I think these are all good things, and I hope it is an indication of progress toward my writing career becoming my only career.  This hope has taken a more desperate turn over the last year, I must admit.  I close out another decade this Sunday, and know I cannot keep up the pace of such a physical day job forever.  I hate to admit I’m feeling my age, but as Indiana Jones once said, ‘it’s not the years, it’s the mileage’.  And I’m feeling those miles, boys and girls.

To this end, I have been stepping up my game, not only in devoting more time toward writing, but also in terms of promotion.  I wrote in an earlier post that I plan on creating Audible versions of my first three books, as well as creating a YouTube channel centered on writing and the life of an aspiring professional author, and took the first steps toward this end in creating an Audible account.  I also had the good fortune to have enough some extra cash on the payday before my coming birthday, so I treated myself to a present in the form of a decent usb microphone, one I plan to use a good deal in the future.  Things seem to be falling into place, so it seemed a wise purchase, and I have a more positive outlook for the future for the first time in longer than I can remember.

So stay tuned!  Lots of things are coming!

Until Next Time,


Why Horror?

Why do I write horror? I suppose every writer is asked at some point what inspired them to write about the things they do, and I found myself thinking about that tonight (connected to certain memories that have been playing unbidden of late). I’ve answered that question before. On the author page of this very site, I describe some of the events I and others witnessed in my childhood home, and how it changed my perception of the world, and how it made me think about the true nature of reality. This was an inspiration, to be sure, but that is but one among many. When I was younger, I wrote more comedy than I did anything else. I can still be funny – in my own way – when I feel inspired in that direction. I’ve written emotional pieces on the state of the human condition, technical papers, editorials, and just about everything in between. Inspiration does not necessarily dictate a choice in genre.
Yes, growing up witnessing certain unexplained (or difficult to explain) phenomena and events had a dramatic effect on my view of the world, but there were other events just as impactful. During that same period, my grandfather and his family had two contracts put out on their lives. I could just as easily chosen spy thriller fiction or police/investigative fiction, or forensic detection. Any genre I chose would be written with the same ability in terms of plot, description, and dialogue (whatever that level of ability may be).
For artists, all creation is an expression of their perceptions, and they are driven to express these perceptions, as opposed to someone who produces a product. I’m not making any judgement on which is better; I am stating my observations of what defines an artist.
So again, why did I choose to write in the horror and strange fiction genre? Inspiration is part of the equation, I suppose, but upon reflection, I know it is only a portion of the whole. I think the real reason I write in this area is because I’ve witnessed a good deal of horror in my life, personally, in the lives of others, and in the systems that govern our lives. In some ways, I see it still, every day. Writing helps channel those experiences, to keep them from becoming a permanent resident within my inner being. I think this applies to most true artists, and most definitely applies in my case. In the second half of my life, I’ve suffered events that have left permanent effects, and that too adds a sense of impending mortality, which is one factor I believe is common in most who write in the horror genre. The lasting effects of those events, physical, emotional, and social, is best lessened by creative endeavor, and when those effects are most severe, the more creative I am driven to become.
So there you have it; some personal reflections from yours truly.

Until next time,
