Audible Update Jan. 24, 2024


I finished recording another story for the Audible version of ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales‘ this evening.  The tracks have been improving significantly since my decision to add various sound effects and music.  This could just be the natural result of learning, or perhaps I have developed a higher standard for what I wish to present as a finished work.  Either way, I am hopeful the result will be a pleasing one.

It has been hectic since my last update.  I have moved on from my previous job, and start a new position in a little over eight hours.  It is the beginning of a new chapter, one I hope will lead to more positive changes in the future.  I have a great many projects on the horizon, things I want to announce, but will hold off until I have something concrete to show.  In the meantime, keep checking back for more updates.

Until Next Time,


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