Tag Archives: horror anthology

Audible Update – New Release

Greetings all,

I know it’s been a while since my last update; I have been working every available hour on projects both creative and otherwise for the last several weeks. and the days have just flown by.  The result of all this work has been the completion of two painted furniture videos for my YouTube channel, and the completion of the audio files for the Audible version of Strange Stories, Twisted Tales, which I uploaded for reviews several days ago.

This work has now passed review, and can be found here.  This volume contains some musical transitions and sound effects, and I was much happier with the final result.I hope any listeners do as well.

Until Next Time,


Audible Update – Nobody’s Hero


After a great deal of trial and error, I decided to change up my recording workflow in an attempt to speed up the process, a move which seems to have been successful.  I managed to record and process ‘Nobody’s Hero‘, the quirky superhero entry from ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales‘,in just a bit over 3 days. The last day of processing was more extensive than it needed to be; a week of overhead painting left me sore and exhausted, and I took a few hours off to regain my energy,.

Overall, the new workflow means a faster overall turnaround time, obviously, but it proves to me that while I might sometimes be slow, I am still capable of learning new tricks, and enjoying that journey, something that has existed within me for as long as I can remember, and a defining quality I hope I never lose.

I have but two tales left to record from that tome, and will continue to open myself to improving the narration process as I go, as I both enjoy the process, and have since childhood, but also for my absolute distaste of AI generated narration, which motivates me to keep going when my butt starts to go numb from sitting in front of the microphone.  I will continue to post updates on my progress as usual, and hope to have this puppy ready for release soon.

Until Next Time,


Audible Update – Roadkill


I have finished recording “Roadkill“, the second story in “Strange Stories, Twisted Tales“, for Audible.  Again.  I say that with humor, because although I have done the story a total of three times, the quality of the recording has improved with each iteration.  This version is complete with title music and sound transitions, a process I began after recording several stories for the Audible version.  Thus, several of the later stories have already been finished, along with the sound effec5s, but the idea did not become firmly implanted until I was about a third of the way through re-recording the book after losing my hard drive.

I do enjoy the learning process involved in this work, and look forward to bringing the remaining stories to life.  I am doing my best to remain patient, despite my desire to finish and release the book, as I want to continually raise the bar in order to bring the best of my work to the public.  Only time will tell if I will be successful.  In the meantime, I will continue to work and learn.

Until Next Time,


News and Audible Update 2-24


There have been quite a few things happening since my last post, so here is a quick update to catch up on what has become an exciting time.

On the news side of the coin, I have started a new day job, one which will allow me to use my after work hours for something more productive than rest.  Although slow to relieve the effects of my last job, I am starting to regain my energy, and have been devoting my time to both my Audible project, and the task of looking for a future new home and studio.

I have finished part one of ‘Roadkill’, one of about a dozen stories that comprise “Strange Stories, Twisted Tales”, complete with accompanying sound transitions and title music.  I am taking my time with the recording and producing of this work; one of my main flaws as a creative was I allowed my excitement at releasing new work to rush me, and the final result would suffer as a result.  Learning the skills associated with recording a book for Audible has had a beneficial effect in this regard, and allowed me to slow down in order to give the best performance and product of which I am capable.  Part of this tale begins tonight.  I have been more satisfied with the results than I expected and hope to have more news in the near future.  Several other announcements are on the way, so stay tuned!

Until Next Time,


Audible Update: Jan. 28, 2024

Greetings all,

Another update in less than a week you say? Inconceivable!  No, but considering how much I have on my plate at the moment, it comes as a surprise.  In the midst of a number of new events in my life, I do my best to retain something of a schedule in recording ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales‘ for Audible.  One of my least productive traits was that I have allowed my excitement at bringing a work to fruition that it became my own worst enemy.  In having to record my work multiple times, I have begun to learn some patience in regards to the recording process, and I think the result has been well worth the effort, so much so that at some point in the future, I will have to revise the narration of my first novel as well.

Learning new skills – narration, audio recording and mixing, has been an interesting experience so far, despite the learning curve.  I have always enjoyed learning new skills, and have seen some improvement in these areas since I first began.  It is my hope to eventually open myself to commissioned narration work in the future, and as long as I continue to learn and apply that knowledge, it does not seem to be an unreasonable goal.

There are three more stories I need to re-record for clarity and to add the sound transitions and title music before I can more on to the second half of the book.  I will continue to post updates on my progress, so stay tuned!

Until Next Time,


Audible Update Jan. 24, 2024


I finished recording another story for the Audible version of ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales‘ this evening.  The tracks have been improving significantly since my decision to add various sound effects and music.  This could just be the natural result of learning, or perhaps I have developed a higher standard for what I wish to present as a finished work.  Either way, I am hopeful the result will be a pleasing one.

It has been hectic since my last update.  I have moved on from my previous job, and start a new position in a little over eight hours.  It is the beginning of a new chapter, one I hope will lead to more positive changes in the future.  I have a great many projects on the horizon, things I want to announce, but will hold off until I have something concrete to show.  In the meantime, keep checking back for more updates.

Until Next Time,


Audible Update & Other News


In the course of attempting to raise the standard for my recordings, it has become necessary to redo some of my previous work, both in order to add the accompanying title and transition effects, but for an overall consistent tone in terms of recording levels, which can vary depending on a number of factors.  This has not been a disappointment – I rarely see things that way any more – but as an opportunity to improve my craft, one which I have been embracing with enthusiasm.

Speaking of opportunities, it has been evident for some time that I need to make certain changes in my life in order to continue the healing process from the decade of abuse I suffered at the hands of the court system and my ex (a process which infuriates her kind to where they continue to attempt to wound regardless of success).  One of these opportunities has arisen, and it looks like certain aspects of my life will indeed improve.  Of course, this means I have to have some energy and drive to get through the transition, but it is nothing I haven’t done before.  I have given, and continue to give, considerable thought to this process, and have decided to keep my recording schedule as uninterrupted as possible.  This decision was made in no small part because I plan on publishing at least one book this year – two if I can help it.

I’ll give more details in coming updates.

Until next time,

~ Namaste

A New Year, A New Audible Update


It has been a whirlwind these last few weeks, and I do not see them slowing down any time soon,  In fact, I expect the pace to increase significantly over the coming months.  I am not sure how things will play out – it is a turbulent time as the world stands on the brink, and I have a feeling the coming year will reach critical mass.  I am fully aware of how little control I have over such matters, and can only control what I can do.  I have to press on, and do the best to improve myself, both as an author, and as a human being.  I have more upcoming projects than time, and it will take a great deal of fortitude to keep things on schedule.  I will write more about this in a future update.

Speaking of schedule, I have finished re-recording ‘Boo!’ as well as ‘Groovin’ to the Zombie Apocalypse’, complete with title and chapter audio transitions, and will divide my recording time between the remaining stories, and those I have previously recorded.

I have some book news as well, but that will have to wait until another entry.  So many projects, so little time.

Until next time,


Audible Update: 12-28-23


Another year is drawing to a close, but my artistic efforts have no signs of slowing,  I work on one or more projects just about every day, barring my daughter’s visits (although I do sometimes find the occasional opportunity in the wee hours), and on those days, I follow pretty much the same routine.  After work, I eat dinner and perform any errands that need completing before spending about an hour or so with my newfound love: my 1987 Fender Precision Lyte Bass, given to me by my uncle before he passed away. This takes the form of playing Rocksmith 2014, which was a gift to me from my daughters, and an excellent way to learn to play an instrument.  Once I’m finished with my musical release therapy (kidding…maybe), I then sit down to a good 2-4 hours of recording time.

Currently, I am working on part 3 of BOO! from ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales‘, the longest novella in the volume, and likely my third favorite.  The story is a little over a hundred pages long, and translates to a bit over 3 1/2 hours.  I’ve been learning more as I go, and apply whatever I learn to the next project, such as adding sound effect transitions and title music to the tracks.  I felt this was a definite positive step, but I do wish I had decided upon that course of action before I had recorded half the book.  Once I am done with the current story, I will have to go back and add these effects to the previous stories.  Not a daunting task, but one which will take a bit of time.  I do feel the result will be worth the effort, however, and look forward to being able to release this book in the Audible format in the new year.

Until we meet again,


Audible Update 12-13-23


As promised, I am making an attempt to provide more updates on both my writing and art sites.  I have just finished my recording session for the night, in  my second attempt to bring my second work, ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales’, to Audible.  On most nights, I follow pretty much the same routine.  Once home from my day job, I take care of dinner and other tasks, perhaps enjoy a bit of bass practice, before spending two or three hours on front of a microphone, and using an audio editor to process the recording.  As I may have mentioned earlier, I am adding sound transitions (and perhaps some opening and closing theme music) to my second attempt,  The upside to this is that it has steepened the learning curve, allowing me to hopefully bring a more rich experience to the listener.  The downside, is the fact I had this idea halfway through the book, and will now have to go back and add them to at least two of the stories I have previously recorded, if not more.  I don’t mind this, actually, if the final product ends being one of which I can be proud to have created.

Well, that’s about all the time I have for tonight.  I must rest in order to attack another day of relentless labor with something approaching competence, if not enthusiasm.

Until Next Time,
