Tag Archives: Audible

Update 6-4-2023


It’s been an intense few weeks, with the promise of continuing to be so, but I cannot resist keeping my blog updated for my audience.  For those few intrepid souls, I salute you.

Anywho…I understood when I began my writing it would be a learning experience – as all things in this life are -and the writing journey, along with its narration counterpart – has not disappointed in this regard.  There have been some bumps along the road, but I have gained knowledge along the way, and it has been a rewarding process creatively, if not financially.  One such bump has seen the delay of release of the hardbound versions of my novels, but it appears I have overcome that particular hurdle (and learning in the process), and the revised hardbound additions should be available on Amazon soon.

On the Audible front, the audio version of Highway Hypnosis should be available sometime on or after June 10, 2023.  The files have all passed the ACX check on my software, and are awaiting QC approval.  Here’s keeping my fingers crossed.

In the meantime, I have begun recording the Audible version of Strange Stories, Twisted Tales.  The first story, The Minstrel, has been recorded, and I have begun work on Roadkill.  I find I enjoy the recording process immensely – the audio processing not so much – but am determined to learn as much as I can on both ends of the process in order to produce the best result I can.  I have a lot of irons in the fire on any given day, and plan to add even more, in the form of a video blog, in the near future, but I am confident the results will be well worth the effort.

Until next time,


Audible Update: 5-29-2023


Well, after many hours of recording and audio processing, I have uploaded my first novel, Highway Hypnosis, to Audible.  The files are in review, and I should get a response within ten business days, according to their website.  I will begin recording the various stories in Strange Stories, Twisted Tales within the next day or do…unless I can’t resist getting back to reading, in which case it could be as early as tonight.

It is my plan, hope really, that by the time I get to my third book, that  will have become proficient enough at the process that I may begin to do some freelance narration work.  I have to find something, after all – my current job is a narcissistic nightmare and both emotionally physically destructive.  The damage done to me physically by the results of narcissistic and legal abuse has left me technically disabled, and these effects are exacerbated by the physical demands of my ‘day job’.  Narration is not only something I enjoy, but is work that I can perform at my own pace, and around the limitations I face on a daily basis.

I’ll be sure to announce when the Audible version of my novel is ready for purchase.  Thanks again for any and all who follow this blog.

Until Next Time,



Greetings all,

For the last several weeks, I have been endeavoring to record my first novel, Highway Hypnosis, for release on Audible.  As thus dealt with a field of technology with which I was previously unfamiliar, I expected the learning curve to be high, and though this has turned out to be true, it did not deter me; i have always enjoyed learning new things, and this was no exception.  I knew my present day job would slow the process, and I accepted that as part of the dues one must pay, and it did not affect my enthusiasm.

My environment, however, is another story,  Apparently, I have a pair of were-hippopotami living in the apartment above me, who seen to take delight in stomping around 24 hours a day.  This has become a source of great frustration, for the usual soundproofing available to an amateur is ineffective against the sonic boom footsteps emanating from above.  It is the one thing that cannot be solved by increased study or practice; it can only be solved by changing the location of where I live, or creating a remote recording booth where the sounds of stampeding feet will not interfere.  At present, neither option is readily available, but for every problem, there is a solution…although in this case that may take the form of a harpoon (kidding).  Even as I type this, at after 2 am, my ceiling sounds like it is about to collapse, not the best environment for recording.  Or sleep.

I’ll continue to press on, however,  I will not allow such things to prevent me from releasing my work on Audible, and will continue to update my progress. so stay tuned.

Until next time,
