Tag Archives: Audible

A New Year, A New Audible Update


It has been a whirlwind these last few weeks, and I do not see them slowing down any time soon,  In fact, I expect the pace to increase significantly over the coming months.  I am not sure how things will play out – it is a turbulent time as the world stands on the brink, and I have a feeling the coming year will reach critical mass.  I am fully aware of how little control I have over such matters, and can only control what I can do.  I have to press on, and do the best to improve myself, both as an author, and as a human being.  I have more upcoming projects than time, and it will take a great deal of fortitude to keep things on schedule.  I will write more about this in a future update.

Speaking of schedule, I have finished re-recording ‘Boo!’ as well as ‘Groovin’ to the Zombie Apocalypse’, complete with title and chapter audio transitions, and will divide my recording time between the remaining stories, and those I have previously recorded.

I have some book news as well, but that will have to wait until another entry.  So many projects, so little time.

Until next time,


Audible Update: 12-28-23


Another year is drawing to a close, but my artistic efforts have no signs of slowing,  I work on one or more projects just about every day, barring my daughter’s visits (although I do sometimes find the occasional opportunity in the wee hours), and on those days, I follow pretty much the same routine.  After work, I eat dinner and perform any errands that need completing before spending about an hour or so with my newfound love: my 1987 Fender Precision Lyte Bass, given to me by my uncle before he passed away. This takes the form of playing Rocksmith 2014, which was a gift to me from my daughters, and an excellent way to learn to play an instrument.  Once I’m finished with my musical release therapy (kidding…maybe), I then sit down to a good 2-4 hours of recording time.

Currently, I am working on part 3 of BOO! from ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales‘, the longest novella in the volume, and likely my third favorite.  The story is a little over a hundred pages long, and translates to a bit over 3 1/2 hours.  I’ve been learning more as I go, and apply whatever I learn to the next project, such as adding sound effect transitions and title music to the tracks.  I felt this was a definite positive step, but I do wish I had decided upon that course of action before I had recorded half the book.  Once I am done with the current story, I will have to go back and add these effects to the previous stories.  Not a daunting task, but one which will take a bit of time.  I do feel the result will be worth the effort, however, and look forward to being able to release this book in the Audible format in the new year.

Until we meet again,


Audible Update 12-13-23


As promised, I am making an attempt to provide more updates on both my writing and art sites.  I have just finished my recording session for the night, in  my second attempt to bring my second work, ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales’, to Audible.  On most nights, I follow pretty much the same routine.  Once home from my day job, I take care of dinner and other tasks, perhaps enjoy a bit of bass practice, before spending two or three hours on front of a microphone, and using an audio editor to process the recording.  As I may have mentioned earlier, I am adding sound transitions (and perhaps some opening and closing theme music) to my second attempt,  The upside to this is that it has steepened the learning curve, allowing me to hopefully bring a more rich experience to the listener.  The downside, is the fact I had this idea halfway through the book, and will now have to go back and add them to at least two of the stories I have previously recorded, if not more.  I don’t mind this, actually, if the final product ends being one of which I can be proud to have created.

Well, that’s about all the time I have for tonight.  I must rest in order to attack another day of relentless labor with something approaching competence, if not enthusiasm.

Until Next Time,


Audible Update 12-4-23


My goodness, time goes fast.  I am making an effort to update my blog on a more regular basis, but even so, the days seem to slip past me, and before I know it – boom – it’s December.

Anywho, I’ve been putting in as much time as possible in my effort to record ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales’ for Audible.  I just wrapped up doing some post-recording and effects work for ‘Message in an Electromagnetic Bubble‘.  This story required a bit more effects work than most, as it is my first (and rare) attempt at sci-fi, and I felt it needed a bit more.  To this end, i have enlisted the Amazing Danika to assist with a few lines of dialogue, and will add them to the project when she is available.

During the recording of this story, I was also forced to reconsider how to translate transitions for an Audible project, as a line of asterisks does not translate into audio.  I decided to use some sound effect transitions for these, and may add an opening theme.  As i have often said, I am new to this type of creative endeavor, and am striving to bring the most interesting version of my work to that format as I can.  Only the future, and whatever feedback I receive, will tell if I am successful in that regard.

Next up on the recording schedule is ‘BOO!’, a hundred-page novella inspired by a story that has floated in my brain since I first began reading comics, back when dinosaurs roamed the earth.  It was during the recording of this story – about a cursed castle in the mountains of New York – that my hard drive failed.  Coincidence?  I sure hope so…I can’t afford to replace yet another computer.

That’s pretty much the news for now, although there is plenty more coming, believe me.  In the meantime, a quick reminder (and shameless plug) my first novel, ‘Highway Hypnosis’ is available on Audible.

Until Next Time,


Update: 11-21-2023


Now that my new computer has been set up successfully, I will be making a greater effort to post more in the future.

There is much going on, and so many things to cover… Time will not allow for me to cover them all at this point, but I will be posting these developments soon.

I am continuing my efforts to record my second book, ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales’, for Audible, and am almost at the point where my former computer died (RIP Asmodeus). Well, I will be after I complete the story following the one I am processing now.  I am continuing to learn the trade, and hone my narration and recording skills,  and it is my desire to bring the best effort I can to the table.

Although the recording is now my Main Project, there are many other creative projects on my slate in the upcoming year.  Two more books, minimum, are just the beginning.  I have also determined to renew my other art site, Reincarnations.com, and produce another slate of painted furniture.  As usual, I find myself wishing I could devote myself to my sites and creative work as my main profession, but all good things in time.

I will have more news coming soon.

Until Next time,


Audible Update – 11-8-23


As you may know from my previous post, my computer’s hard drive bit the Big One, and died a horrible death, a fate fitting of that of a horror writer, perhaps.  Undeterred, I managed to get a good deal on a new system, and have been working to restore my programs.  This meant I had to begin anew on my production of the Audible version of my second book, ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales’.  I have just finished the sixth entry, ‘Easy Prey‘ (one of my favorites) and have begun recording ‘Message in an Electromagnetic Bottle’, (which is not, but a decent effort nonetheless).  I cannot as yet give an estimation of when the Audible version of this work will be available, due to the demands of my job and other factors, but I am moving forward in the effort to deliver the highest quality recording of which I am capable – something which is sure to improve as I continue to learn and hone whatever talent I may possess.

I will continue also to provide updates whenever time and energy allows, and will have more news on my next entry.

Until then,


The Great Disk Disaster of 2023


Well, it was only a matter of time.  Despite my best attempts at maintenance, the hard drive on my computer decided it was time to give up the ghost.  This resulted in the loss of a decade of photos, including those of my little one, as well as my manuscripts and Audible recordings for my second book, which was about 2/3 completed.  I believe it is possible to recover that data in time, but it will cost hundreds, if not several thousand, dollars to retrieve, and so will have to wait.  I did manage to rebuild the system, having a decade old backup drive, but windows 7 and my recording software did not agree, and I was forced to begin over with a new system.  This came about at around the same time my phone decided to self-destruct, so it has been a stressful couple of weeks.  I am currently back on track, however, and have begun to re-record ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales’.  It may be slow going, as I have to recover my various bookmarks and such in order to upload and so on, but at least now I needn’t worry about such an event again.


The air quality at my latest domicile leaves a great deal to be desired; the air filters in this apartment complex need to be changed approximately every 2 weeks, and even then, can severely affect delicate electronics, a condition I am hoping to change – just one more item on the never-ending to-do list.

So, apologies for the lack of posts.  With any luck, it will not happen again for some time to come.

Until Next time,


Update 7-21


Once again, time has slipped by, despite my resolution to update on a regular basis.  It seems every time I make the determination to improve my life, it responds with a series of blindsiding events, often daisy-chained in such a way as to create a catch-22 situation in which forward motion is both difficult and limited, within a short span of time.  In the last two weeks, I’ve had to deal with not having a refrigerator for over a week, two major car repairs back to back to the tune of over $1600, and three other priority legal matters, all while working a grueling, physically demanding job. It has been said I have brought these matters upon myself, but I can pretty much dismiss this as utter horseshit; I both know my life better than those making such statements. and control neither random events, the deceitful actions of others, or a rigged system designed to siphon as much money and freedom as it can from the common man.  I can, however, do all I can not to allow such situations to repeat.  When I make mistakes, I do my utmost not to ever repeat them.

While this is helpful in the long run, it does not negate or prevent the short term effects.  I have had to pause in my audio production of ‘Strange Stories, Twisted, Tales‘ in order to deal with the latest set of crises, which came as expected once I committed to my plan to increase my income and better my environment, endeavors which alone are complicated matters, much less when planned in tandem.  Still, it will not matter in the end; life can throw whatever it wants at me, and I will persevere.  It may be the irresistable force, but when it comes to bettering myself, it may find I am the unmoving object.

So, as I will have little to no time to do anything but work on creating a less stressful and more profitable and peaceful atmosphere for myself, I regret my other projects will have to be on hold for a bit.  I will, however, return to them with vigor once I am successful, and will keep those dedicated few informed as things progress.

Until Next Time,



Audible Update: 6-26-2023


As is par for the course, life has been throwing its share of curve-balls my way, but I’ve managed to navigate them with my usual Aries stubbornness, and continue to record tracks from my second novel, ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales‘. I am currently working on recording ‘Easy Prey‘, and those familiar with the history of the story, know I never intended to write a vampire story, and wrote it intending it to be a jab at Twilight.  Somewhere in the writing, however, this changed, and I found myself enjoying the characters and events that flowed from my pen, which was my only available writing instrument at the time.  Recording these stories allows me to reconnect with the characters, and I find myself tempted to stop and write more about the adventures of what has become an interesting figure to me, but I stop myself.  All things in time, I say.

All things in time.

It might take longer than I anticipated to record this second work, however, as some of the aforementioned curve-balls include the need to find better employment and a new place to live, both sizeable tasks on their own, much less together.  I have faith I will be able to handle these as I have before – it’s not my first rodeo – and plan to build myself a dedicated space for recording in the process.

Onward and upward, folks.  Onward and upward.

Until next time,


Audible Update: 6-13-23


My first novel, Highway Hypnosis, is now available on Audible, and should be available on Amazon and iTunes within the next few days.  I am now working on narrating the third story from Strange Stories, Twisted Tales.  The stories in this volume are something of a different challenge in terms of recording; the tales contained in that volume contain some passages that will require some audio effects in order to deliver the proper tone, and I am enjoying the learning process.   It is my hope to open myself to narration of other works on a freelance basis in the near future,  I have found I enjoy both sides of the process, and look forward to being able to create a home studio in order to deliver an even better listening experience.

So, if you are into audio books, stop by Audible and give my book a listen.  If you listen at home, you might want to keep the lights on.

Until Next Time,
