Tag Archives: WIP

Another Orbit


I never know how many people I am actually welcoming; I haven’t posted notifications for my posts on social media lately, though I do my best to remain active on what channels I can.

Things have been moving quickly, and I have had to burn some serious calories in order to keep up, working on a number of projects simultaneously, as I have mentioned earlier.  I did take a day to celebrate another orbit around the sun, as most do, but now it is time to get back to work.  Once I finish recording ‘Easy Prey‘ from Strange Stories, Twisted Tales, I will have finished re-recording stories I lost in the Great Disk Disaster, and will be able to move on to new material.

It has also crossed my mind to take another look at my recording of my first novel, in the event I need to replace that one as well.  The long range goal to make my recording services available through Audible for freelance projects, and the best way to do that is to deliver the highest quality possible.  It is my hope to reach a marketable level by the time I finish recording my third novel.

On the writing front, I may have to delay the production of my next book, a non-fiction work aimed at male victims of domestic abuse, until I can move to a more habitable environment. This may not be a significant delay, if any, if events continue to move at their current speed. I also have my next two fiction novels planned, and will give more details on those as they develop.

All in all, it looks as if this new orbit will be an interesting, and busy, one.

Until next time,


Audible Update: Easy Prey


As it turned out, I did not feel the last recording of the vampire entry in ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales’, measured up to the newer versions, and decided to rerecord the story rather than simply add the music effects.  I am still working just about every night on this project, despite adding more work to an already crowded schedule, but my determination remains strong to deliver the best work I can.  I have less then twenty pages of the story left to go, which will make the track a little over an hour and a quarter long, by my current estimate.  Most of the stories fall into this category, with a few longer exceptions, such as “Boo”, and “Roadkill”, which I have already completed.

Once I have completed ‘Easy Prey’, I will have replaced all my previous work I lost when my computer died, and will move onto the second half of the work.  I am looking forward to being able to announce the book’s completion soon, and will continue to post updates as I complete more of the stories contained within my second effort.

Until Next Time,


Update: 11-21-2023


Now that my new computer has been set up successfully, I will be making a greater effort to post more in the future.

There is much going on, and so many things to cover… Time will not allow for me to cover them all at this point, but I will be posting these developments soon.

I am continuing my efforts to record my second book, ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales’, for Audible, and am almost at the point where my former computer died (RIP Asmodeus). Well, I will be after I complete the story following the one I am processing now.  I am continuing to learn the trade, and hone my narration and recording skills,  and it is my desire to bring the best effort I can to the table.

Although the recording is now my Main Project, there are many other creative projects on my slate in the upcoming year.  Two more books, minimum, are just the beginning.  I have also determined to renew my other art site, Reincarnations.com, and produce another slate of painted furniture.  As usual, I find myself wishing I could devote myself to my sites and creative work as my main profession, but all good things in time.

I will have more news coming soon.

Until Next time,


Audible Update – 11-8-23


As you may know from my previous post, my computer’s hard drive bit the Big One, and died a horrible death, a fate fitting of that of a horror writer, perhaps.  Undeterred, I managed to get a good deal on a new system, and have been working to restore my programs.  This meant I had to begin anew on my production of the Audible version of my second book, ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales’.  I have just finished the sixth entry, ‘Easy Prey‘ (one of my favorites) and have begun recording ‘Message in an Electromagnetic Bottle’, (which is not, but a decent effort nonetheless).  I cannot as yet give an estimation of when the Audible version of this work will be available, due to the demands of my job and other factors, but I am moving forward in the effort to deliver the highest quality recording of which I am capable – something which is sure to improve as I continue to learn and hone whatever talent I may possess.

I will continue also to provide updates whenever time and energy allows, and will have more news on my next entry.

Until then,


Audible Update: 6-26-2023


As is par for the course, life has been throwing its share of curve-balls my way, but I’ve managed to navigate them with my usual Aries stubbornness, and continue to record tracks from my second novel, ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales‘. I am currently working on recording ‘Easy Prey‘, and those familiar with the history of the story, know I never intended to write a vampire story, and wrote it intending it to be a jab at Twilight.  Somewhere in the writing, however, this changed, and I found myself enjoying the characters and events that flowed from my pen, which was my only available writing instrument at the time.  Recording these stories allows me to reconnect with the characters, and I find myself tempted to stop and write more about the adventures of what has become an interesting figure to me, but I stop myself.  All things in time, I say.

All things in time.

It might take longer than I anticipated to record this second work, however, as some of the aforementioned curve-balls include the need to find better employment and a new place to live, both sizeable tasks on their own, much less together.  I have faith I will be able to handle these as I have before – it’s not my first rodeo – and plan to build myself a dedicated space for recording in the process.

Onward and upward, folks.  Onward and upward.

Until next time,


Update 6-4-2023


It’s been an intense few weeks, with the promise of continuing to be so, but I cannot resist keeping my blog updated for my audience.  For those few intrepid souls, I salute you.

Anywho…I understood when I began my writing it would be a learning experience – as all things in this life are -and the writing journey, along with its narration counterpart – has not disappointed in this regard.  There have been some bumps along the road, but I have gained knowledge along the way, and it has been a rewarding process creatively, if not financially.  One such bump has seen the delay of release of the hardbound versions of my novels, but it appears I have overcome that particular hurdle (and learning in the process), and the revised hardbound additions should be available on Amazon soon.

On the Audible front, the audio version of Highway Hypnosis should be available sometime on or after June 10, 2023.  The files have all passed the ACX check on my software, and are awaiting QC approval.  Here’s keeping my fingers crossed.

In the meantime, I have begun recording the Audible version of Strange Stories, Twisted Tales.  The first story, The Minstrel, has been recorded, and I have begun work on Roadkill.  I find I enjoy the recording process immensely – the audio processing not so much – but am determined to learn as much as I can on both ends of the process in order to produce the best result I can.  I have a lot of irons in the fire on any given day, and plan to add even more, in the form of a video blog, in the near future, but I am confident the results will be well worth the effort.

Until next time,


Audible Update – 4/4


After successfully surviving another decade, I found myself energized and in a strangely positive mood.  The year has seen some good things happen, with the signs showing the promise of more to come, and this has contributed to lessening my anxiety, and given me the determination and energy to work on making my writing into a full time career.  An uptake of recent sales (thank you all!) has helped in this, as well as the production of hardback versions of my books, and I’ve used this to begin the process of producing Audible versions of my work as well, with yours truly serving as narrator.

I have purchased what I hope is a decent microphone, and begun the process of learning the Audacity program for recording the sound files which are necessary for conversion into an audio book. Depending on how quickly I can assimilate this, I will begin recording test files within the next few days.  I can say I am looking forward to this new project with great enthusiasm.  I have always enjoyed reading aloud, and the prospect of adding that skill to my revenue set is just icing on the enjoyment cake, not to mention giving hope to be able to continue making a living as the physical issues I deal with advance with time.  Should the process prove enjoyable, I will likely open myself to narrating work by other authors on a freelance basis, something I think would be both fun and profitable.

I will keep posting updates for this and my other projects, so stay tuned!

Until Next Time,


Writing Update: 3-5-2023


So much news!
The manuscript for my upcoming novel is completed. It will weigh in at 634 pages, and a bit over 169k words. Cover reveal coming soon! I’ll be announcing the publication date soon.
I have solved my previous problems with WordPress, apparently, so I’ll be keeping this format for a while. I will be working more on the mobile version once the new book has been published.
I am also working to start a Youtube channel, basically a video blog of this writer’s life kind of thing. More details will be given as this project progresses.
Also, after some positive feedback from a good friend, I will also be working on making audible versions of all my work.
So, a full plate, it seems.
For those few loyal readers, stay tuned…it’s going to be a busy year.

Until next time,


Writing Update: 11-13-2022

Greetings all,

I finished the first draft of my current WIP on November 6. The manuscript weighed in at over 171k words, a bit over 625 pages, making it my longest work so far. I do not expect the word count to reduce much in the course of editing; if anything, it may increase a bit. I have pretty much told the story I wanted to tell, the one the Muse gave me, and I do not expect many changes in the context of the story itself. I am currently on the first pass through for editing, and barring any major setbacks, still hope to have my cover reveal in time to publish before the end of the year, so stay tuned!

Until Next Time,
