Author Archives: Michael

Update 7-21


Once again, time has slipped by, despite my resolution to update on a regular basis.  It seems every time I make the determination to improve my life, it responds with a series of blindsiding events, often daisy-chained in such a way as to create a catch-22 situation in which forward motion is both difficult and limited, within a short span of time.  In the last two weeks, I’ve had to deal with not having a refrigerator for over a week, two major car repairs back to back to the tune of over $1600, and three other priority legal matters, all while working a grueling, physically demanding job. It has been said I have brought these matters upon myself, but I can pretty much dismiss this as utter horseshit; I both know my life better than those making such statements. and control neither random events, the deceitful actions of others, or a rigged system designed to siphon as much money and freedom as it can from the common man.  I can, however, do all I can not to allow such situations to repeat.  When I make mistakes, I do my utmost not to ever repeat them.

While this is helpful in the long run, it does not negate or prevent the short term effects.  I have had to pause in my audio production of ‘Strange Stories, Twisted, Tales‘ in order to deal with the latest set of crises, which came as expected once I committed to my plan to increase my income and better my environment, endeavors which alone are complicated matters, much less when planned in tandem.  Still, it will not matter in the end; life can throw whatever it wants at me, and I will persevere.  It may be the irresistable force, but when it comes to bettering myself, it may find I am the unmoving object.

So, as I will have little to no time to do anything but work on creating a less stressful and more profitable and peaceful atmosphere for myself, I regret my other projects will have to be on hold for a bit.  I will, however, return to them with vigor once I am successful, and will keep those dedicated few informed as things progress.

Until Next Time,



Audible Update: 6-26-2023


As is par for the course, life has been throwing its share of curve-balls my way, but I’ve managed to navigate them with my usual Aries stubbornness, and continue to record tracks from my second novel, ‘Strange Stories, Twisted Tales‘. I am currently working on recording ‘Easy Prey‘, and those familiar with the history of the story, know I never intended to write a vampire story, and wrote it intending it to be a jab at Twilight.  Somewhere in the writing, however, this changed, and I found myself enjoying the characters and events that flowed from my pen, which was my only available writing instrument at the time.  Recording these stories allows me to reconnect with the characters, and I find myself tempted to stop and write more about the adventures of what has become an interesting figure to me, but I stop myself.  All things in time, I say.

All things in time.

It might take longer than I anticipated to record this second work, however, as some of the aforementioned curve-balls include the need to find better employment and a new place to live, both sizeable tasks on their own, much less together.  I have faith I will be able to handle these as I have before – it’s not my first rodeo – and plan to build myself a dedicated space for recording in the process.

Onward and upward, folks.  Onward and upward.

Until next time,


Audible Update: 6-13-23


My first novel, Highway Hypnosis, is now available on Audible, and should be available on Amazon and iTunes within the next few days.  I am now working on narrating the third story from Strange Stories, Twisted Tales.  The stories in this volume are something of a different challenge in terms of recording; the tales contained in that volume contain some passages that will require some audio effects in order to deliver the proper tone, and I am enjoying the learning process.   It is my hope to open myself to narration of other works on a freelance basis in the near future,  I have found I enjoy both sides of the process, and look forward to being able to create a home studio in order to deliver an even better listening experience.

So, if you are into audio books, stop by Audible and give my book a listen.  If you listen at home, you might want to keep the lights on.

Until Next Time,


Update 6-4-2023


It’s been an intense few weeks, with the promise of continuing to be so, but I cannot resist keeping my blog updated for my audience.  For those few intrepid souls, I salute you.

Anywho…I understood when I began my writing it would be a learning experience – as all things in this life are -and the writing journey, along with its narration counterpart – has not disappointed in this regard.  There have been some bumps along the road, but I have gained knowledge along the way, and it has been a rewarding process creatively, if not financially.  One such bump has seen the delay of release of the hardbound versions of my novels, but it appears I have overcome that particular hurdle (and learning in the process), and the revised hardbound additions should be available on Amazon soon.

On the Audible front, the audio version of Highway Hypnosis should be available sometime on or after June 10, 2023.  The files have all passed the ACX check on my software, and are awaiting QC approval.  Here’s keeping my fingers crossed.

In the meantime, I have begun recording the Audible version of Strange Stories, Twisted Tales.  The first story, The Minstrel, has been recorded, and I have begun work on Roadkill.  I find I enjoy the recording process immensely – the audio processing not so much – but am determined to learn as much as I can on both ends of the process in order to produce the best result I can.  I have a lot of irons in the fire on any given day, and plan to add even more, in the form of a video blog, in the near future, but I am confident the results will be well worth the effort.

Until next time,


Audible Update: 5-29-2023


Well, after many hours of recording and audio processing, I have uploaded my first novel, Highway Hypnosis, to Audible.  The files are in review, and I should get a response within ten business days, according to their website.  I will begin recording the various stories in Strange Stories, Twisted Tales within the next day or do…unless I can’t resist getting back to reading, in which case it could be as early as tonight.

It is my plan, hope really, that by the time I get to my third book, that  will have become proficient enough at the process that I may begin to do some freelance narration work.  I have to find something, after all – my current job is a narcissistic nightmare and both emotionally physically destructive.  The damage done to me physically by the results of narcissistic and legal abuse has left me technically disabled, and these effects are exacerbated by the physical demands of my ‘day job’.  Narration is not only something I enjoy, but is work that I can perform at my own pace, and around the limitations I face on a daily basis.

I’ll be sure to announce when the Audible version of my novel is ready for purchase.  Thanks again for any and all who follow this blog.

Until Next Time,



Greetings all,

For the last several weeks, I have been endeavoring to record my first novel, Highway Hypnosis, for release on Audible.  As thus dealt with a field of technology with which I was previously unfamiliar, I expected the learning curve to be high, and though this has turned out to be true, it did not deter me; i have always enjoyed learning new things, and this was no exception.  I knew my present day job would slow the process, and I accepted that as part of the dues one must pay, and it did not affect my enthusiasm.

My environment, however, is another story,  Apparently, I have a pair of were-hippopotami living in the apartment above me, who seen to take delight in stomping around 24 hours a day.  This has become a source of great frustration, for the usual soundproofing available to an amateur is ineffective against the sonic boom footsteps emanating from above.  It is the one thing that cannot be solved by increased study or practice; it can only be solved by changing the location of where I live, or creating a remote recording booth where the sounds of stampeding feet will not interfere.  At present, neither option is readily available, but for every problem, there is a solution…although in this case that may take the form of a harpoon (kidding).  Even as I type this, at after 2 am, my ceiling sounds like it is about to collapse, not the best environment for recording.  Or sleep.

I’ll continue to press on, however,  I will not allow such things to prevent me from releasing my work on Audible, and will continue to update my progress. so stay tuned.

Until next time,


Healing – 4 Years Later

Greetings to the faithful few,

Those who have known me over the last several years are aware of the legal and narcissistic abuse I have suffered, abuse which left me with severe chronic pain, PTSD, anxiety, and neuropathy, in addition to other issues, physical, financial, and emotional.  The total shit-show that is the justice system in this country did its best to destroy me in its never-ending quest for money and political cocksucking that has taken the place of justice, but after four years of dealing with the fallout, I believe I can say the healing process has begun.  It will be slow, to be sure, and the scars will be deep, never able to fully replace what was there before, but I after much study and work and pain, I have been able to repair some of the damage.  I’ve managed to live on my own during that time, securing reasonably good housing for myself and for my daughter on her visits, a decent job (despite its downfalls), and complete two books, projects which I hope will eventually replace my day job as my primary occupation.  I’ve made strides in this pursuit, and though the gains have been small, this progress has been therapeudic, as creativity has always been my passion, and one of the places where I am at my best. I can say with certainty that though I have not always been in the happiest state of mind, I am generally satisfied with the results of my efforts, and am happier now, despite the hardships, than I ever was during my previous relationship.

I know I will never be able to heal completely; some of the physical effects I suffer are permanent, barring miracles, but I have finally reached a point of stability to where I can begin the healing process in earnest, and I am thankful for it, as I am thankful for those who have believed in me and my journey enough to have supported me through these times.  The chance of intervention by narcissistic assholes or our corrupt system is always a possibility, but barring those things, the future seems positive for the first time in a long while.

Onward and upward from here!

Until Next Time,


Audible Update: 4-10-2023


I have officially begun my first attempt at narration, recording my first novel, Highway Hypnosis for release on Audible.  It has turned out to be an interesting process, and this has given me a clue to just how much work goes into video and sound production.  The learning curve for the software end has not proven difficult so far, but that cannot be said about the actual voice work. I am not a stranger to narration, having recorded books for remedial reading students back in the day, but it is not as easy as it appears. I have confidence I will improve with time, however, and look forward to gaining experience in this new endeavor.  Should this go well, I may even hire myself out for other work in that field on a freelance basis.

I have five chapters completed so far, with another twenty-three to go.  Upon completion, I plan on beginning the second book immediately.  With luck, this project will be finished in time for me to begin compiling the manuscript for my next work, which will be a non-fiction account of the my struggle against narcissistic abuse, not something in line with my usual work, but something I feel I must complete for both personal healing and to help other men who may be in similar situations.

Stay tuned for progress and release updates.  There is plenty more to come!

Until Next Time,


Audible Update – 4/4


After successfully surviving another decade, I found myself energized and in a strangely positive mood.  The year has seen some good things happen, with the signs showing the promise of more to come, and this has contributed to lessening my anxiety, and given me the determination and energy to work on making my writing into a full time career.  An uptake of recent sales (thank you all!) has helped in this, as well as the production of hardback versions of my books, and I’ve used this to begin the process of producing Audible versions of my work as well, with yours truly serving as narrator.

I have purchased what I hope is a decent microphone, and begun the process of learning the Audacity program for recording the sound files which are necessary for conversion into an audio book. Depending on how quickly I can assimilate this, I will begin recording test files within the next few days.  I can say I am looking forward to this new project with great enthusiasm.  I have always enjoyed reading aloud, and the prospect of adding that skill to my revenue set is just icing on the enjoyment cake, not to mention giving hope to be able to continue making a living as the physical issues I deal with advance with time.  Should the process prove enjoyable, I will likely open myself to narrating work by other authors on a freelance basis, something I think would be both fun and profitable.

I will keep posting updates for this and my other projects, so stay tuned!

Until Next Time,


End of a Decade


It’s been a busy month in terms of writing-related activities: I finished my third novel, converted my first two books into hardback for publication on Amazon, added the e-book version of Highway Hypnosis to Kindle Unlimited, and edited the covers of all three of my books for hardback formatting.  I think these are all good things, and I hope it is an indication of progress toward my writing career becoming my only career.  This hope has taken a more desperate turn over the last year, I must admit.  I close out another decade this Sunday, and know I cannot keep up the pace of such a physical day job forever.  I hate to admit I’m feeling my age, but as Indiana Jones once said, ‘it’s not the years, it’s the mileage’.  And I’m feeling those miles, boys and girls.

To this end, I have been stepping up my game, not only in devoting more time toward writing, but also in terms of promotion.  I wrote in an earlier post that I plan on creating Audible versions of my first three books, as well as creating a YouTube channel centered on writing and the life of an aspiring professional author, and took the first steps toward this end in creating an Audible account.  I also had the good fortune to have enough some extra cash on the payday before my coming birthday, so I treated myself to a present in the form of a decent usb microphone, one I plan to use a good deal in the future.  Things seem to be falling into place, so it seemed a wise purchase, and I have a more positive outlook for the future for the first time in longer than I can remember.

So stay tuned!  Lots of things are coming!

Until Next Time,
